Revanche takes control of weeds early. Revanche applied in the fall or early-season preplant helps maintain a clean seedbed for many crops, allowing for a clean start to the crop year. Revanche is a Group 2 herbicide, that when tank-mixed with contact herbicides, enhances their activity and adds residual control to tough weeds such as annual bluegrass, marestail, henbit, and other winter annual weeds.
  • Overview
  • States Registered
  • Label/SDS
  • Product Content


Wider application window offers planting flexibility and long-lasting residual
Excellent residual providing a weed free field from post-harvest to pre-plant
Efficient, low use rate with flexibility to plant on a variety of crops
Easy tank mix partner and really shines well when coupled with contact herbicides, increasing their activity

Active Ingredients

Rimsulfuron 16.7%
Thifensulfuron 16.7%

States Registered

Product is registered for use in these states. Check to be sure a specific use pattern is approved in your area before use. Contact Innvictis or your local state agency for more information.


Not Registered


Revanche Label - 021621RD090721 Download


Revanche Safety Data Sheet Download
Revanche Sales Sheet Download
Innvictis Premix Chart Download
Regional Corn Programs - Bayou Download
Regional Corn Programs - Midsouth Download
Regional Corn Programs - Southeast Download
Regional Corn Programs - Eastern Cornbelt Download
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