Govee Keeper
Broad-spectrum weed control is the driver in this oxyfluorfen powered herbicide. From application windows of early pre-plant, pre-emerge, pre-plant incorporated, and even post-emerge, Govee Keeper is a clear winner in most specialized cropping systems.
  • Overview
  • States Registered
  • Label/SDS
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Twice the herbicide load compared to sister product Govee, providing enhanced simplicity with lower volume
Provides long lasting pre and post-emergence activity on many broadleaf weeds and grasses
Excellent tank mix partner with broad range of contact herbicides
May be integrated into an overall IPM program

Active Ingredients

Oxyfluorfen 4 lb/gal

States Registered

Product is registered for use in these states. Check to be sure a specific use pattern is approved in your area before use. Contact Innvictis or your local state agency for more information.


Not Registered


Govee Keeper Label- 080222RD092122 Download


Govee Keeper Safety Data Sheet Download
Govee Keeper Sales Sheet Download
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