Protecting a broad range of crops from diseases in the dog days of summer was the key motivation for the new line of fungicides Innvictis® launched.
Three new fungicides: INNLIVEN P, INNLIVEN ELITE, and INNLIVEN TRZ, were developed by combining several proven active ingredients to deliver efficiency and effectiveness in combating disease pressure.
Each of the products in this lineup was built around the highly effective and proven active ingredient, Pyraclostrobin for preventative care, while also adding curative modes of action for a dual threat. The three unique combinations not only control plant pathogens but also allow the crop to maximize energy production, a critical function for growth and development.

“With INNLIVEN, we wanted to offer growers something they can’t find anywhere else.
These fungicides deliver an optimal amount of pyraclostrobin and triazole while maintaining a low use rate. Growers don’t have to trade convenience for performance.”
- Nick Dame, Director of Innvictis Crop Care